Perth and Peel Urban Greening Strategy

By Kim Giddens

09 February 2024

The State Government has committed to developing the Perth and Peel Urban Strategy, which is expected to be finalised by the end of 2024. 

Trees and other vegetation are an essential part of the urban fabric, providing a variety of significant social, economic and environmental benefits. They are also recognised in the Government's climate change responses as a method to mitigate the urban heat island effect. 

The impacts of climate change are expected to worsen, this increases the importance of planning for green neighbourhoods, more tree canopy and green spaces in our communities. 

This is why the Government is committed to playing an important leadership role through the preparation of an Urban Greening Strategy for the Perth and Peel regions. 

We are currently in the scoping and early engagement stage where we are undertaking further research and talking with key stakeholders to better understand who and how people are engaged with urban greening.  

If you would like to make a submission you can have your say here.