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By Kim Giddens MLA

01 August 2022

More alcohol and other drug treatment beds in our community means more specialised services for those in need – and more hospital beds freed up for other patients.

We’ve added 55 community treatment beds, but the work doesn’t stop here.

We have committed to establishing a further 26 beds.

Our Meth Action Plan is a coordinated approach to reduce methamphetamine use and related harms in Western Australia.

We’re continuing to take action with initiatives including the Meth Border Force, Women’s and Men’s Rehabilitation Prisons, and expanded treatment and rehab facilities - providing support to people and families impacted by methamphetamine use and reducing availability of methamphetamine in our communities by disrupting supply.

Addressing mental health, alcohol and other drug issues can significantly help younger people experiencing homelessness to get their lives back on track.

The McGowan Government has delivered an eight-bed interim service, and is working to deliver a 16-bed permanent Youth Homelessness Facility for 16-24 year olds with mental health, alcohol or other drug issues who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

We’ve launched the new ‘Here For You’ phone support line, providing a direct line to qualified counsellors and professional peer practitioners that can help people in need.

If you need help call 1800 437 348 (1800 HERE 4 U)