Additional Funding to Palliative Care Providers

Additional Funding to Palliative Care Providers Main Image

By Kim Giddens MLA

08 August 2022

The McGowan Government is committed to ensuring that all Western Australians are well informed about their options and have access to the very best of care as they near the end of life.

Since 2019, the McGowan Government has committed an additional $102.5 million in palliative care funding, including expanding palliative care in regional areas by more than 60 FTE staff.

On the 10th of December 2019, our laws to allow Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) passed our State Parliament. These laws came into effect in July 2020.

The VAD legislation gives terminally ill Western Australians choices and the opportunity to die with dignity.
It's a reform that means so much to so many Western Australians who have watched loved ones die in agony.