Win: Improved Student Safety at Warden Crossings
COMMUNITY UPDATE - Doing What's Right for Student Safety
In April 2024 the Cook Labor Government announced that over the next four years, the Government will invest $10 million to expand the 40 km/hr school zone speed limit to all warden crossings across the state.
Right now, there are 165 warden crossings that fall outside of the 40 km/hr school zone.
These warden crossings form a critical part of the journey to school for so many kids and should be treated the same as a typical 40 km/hr school zone.
There are multiple sites here in Bateman that will be upgraded including:
✅ Riseley Street - Ardross Primary School
✅ Bombard Street - St Benedicts School
✅ Marmion Street - Booragoon Primary School
✅ Norma Road - Booragoon Primary School
✅ North Lake Road - Kardinya Primary School
✅ Somerville Boulevard - Winthrop Primary School
✅Winthrop Drive - Winthrop Primary School
The $10 million investment will allow for the installation of necessary signage around these 165 warden crossings - making the school pick up and drop off safer for kids, families and our wardens.

I worked with parents from Applecross Senior High School and Ardross Primary School to ensure that students could cross the roads surrounding the schools safely.
I am happy to share that in February 2022 students' safety was protected with the installation of new Wig Wag lights on Riseley Street.
This is an important safety addition to this busy road to ensure the safety of school students and pedestrians on this busy road.
Parents have been raising this issue for these lights for nearly a decade and I am so glad to take up the baton after Applecross principal Paul Leech raised it with me and was thrilled the works would be completed so soon.
I was joined by Melville mayor George Gear, parent Ms Webster, her kids and Applecross high principal Paul Leech to see where the lights will go.
I was pleased to be a part of the delivery of this project.